Understanding Whiplash: Unraveling the Impact of Auto Accidents Part 3 (Murphy, Oct 26-27, 2024 live-streamed)
Understanding whiplash-injured patients should include a discussion of clinical syndromes that are often found in the whiplash-injured patient, including:
• Headache
• Cervical Angina
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Additionally, chiropractors should be knowledgeable on biological factors that are related to chronic symptoms following traumatic injury. These include:
• Systemic factors that alter the nociceptive thresholds.
• The ability to produce anti-inflammatory resolvins.
The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine explains why whiplash-injured patients have an acceleration of degenerative disc disease. This concept should be understood for those that manage these types of injured patients.
Studies are beginning to show a relationship between cannabis use and the risk of motor vehicle collisions. This risk should be understood by heal care providers, including chiropractors.
Using all of these concepts in the construction of medical-legal reports should the standard.
Whiplash-inured patients may need a unique approach to management of common post-traumatic clinical syndromes. These include:
• Adjustments to the uncinate joint.
• Performing the Epley maneuver for BPPV.
• Adjusting the lumbo-sacral spine without using a rotational line-of-drive.
• Managing and adjusting injury to the temporomandibular joint
The attending chiropractor would become knowledgeable and competent in the pathophysiology and management of:
• Headache
• Cervical Angina
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
The attending chiropractor would become knowledgeable and competent, on biological factors that are related to chronic symptoms following traumatic injury, including:
• Systemic factors that alter the nociceptive thresholds
• The ability to produce anti-inflammatory resolvins
The attending chiropractor would become knowledgeable in the application of the
he 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and its relationship to degenerative disc disease.
The attending chiropractor would become knowledgeable as to the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of motor vehicle collisions.
The attending chiropractor would become competent in using these concepts in the construction of medical-legal reports.
The attending chiropractor would become knowledgeable and competent in performing these techniques:
• Adjustments to the uncinate joint.
• Performing the Epley maneuver for BPPV.
• Adjusting the lumbo-sacral spine without using a rotational line-of-drive.
• Managing and adjusting injury to the temporomandibular joint
October 26, 2024 12:00pm - 8:00pm
October 27, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm
4 exam/technique, 8 general CE hours
Understanding Whiplash: Unraveling the Impact of Auto Accidents Part 3 (on-campus)
Hour#1: Medical-Legal Report Construction
Construct medicolegal reports emphasizing the scientific principles of motor vehicle collisions.
Review examples, each emphasizing a particular concept of injury biology.
Hour#2: The 2021 Nobel Prize
Show how the 2021 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology applies to chiropractic.
Show how the 2021 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology applies to whiplash injury.
Review why the 2021 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology applies to post whiplash injury postural distortions.
Hour#3: Resolvins
Learn how special molecules, resolvins, are largely responsible for “turning down” the post traumatic inflammation response, pain, and fibrosis.
Learn how to enhance the resolvin response during patient care.
Learn factors that reduce the resolvin response increasing the risk for chronicity.
Hour#4: Cervical Angina
Learn how whiplash injury may mimic the symptoms of cardiac angina.
Learn chiropractic strategies to manage cervical angina.
Hour#5: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Review the anatomy of the thoracic outlet.
Learn the connection between thoracic outlet syndrome and whiplash injury.
Review strategies for the chiropractic management of thoracic outlet syndrome.
A) Cannabis
Discuss the influence of cannabis on driving.
B) Safety
Review new studies pertaining to the safety of chiropractic spinal adjusting.
A) Brain Injury and Headache
Describe the pathophysiology of inertial traumatic brain injury.
Develop a protocol for the management of traumatic brain injury.
B) Headache
Learn the anatomy and pathophysiology of headache.
Review therapeutic intervention for the chiropractic management of headache.
Hour#8: Systemic Pain Thresholds
Discuss factors that influence post-injury pain.
Review management of systemic pain threshold from a chiropractic clinical perspective.
Technique Hours
Hour #1: The uncinate process adjustment
• Review the anatomy of the uncinate process joint.
• Review clinical studies pertaining to the uncinate process joint.
• Demonstrate the adjustive anatomy and line-or-drive for the uncinate process joint.
Hour #2: The Pettibon #2 lumbosacral adjustment
• Learn the goals of the Pettibon #2 lumbosacral adjustment
• Describe the physics of the Pettibon #2 lumbosacral adjustment
• Demonstrate the adjustive anatomy and line-or-drive for the Pettibon #2 lumbosacral adjustment.
Hour #3: The Epley maneuver for BPPV
• Learn the anatomy of the semicircular canals of the inner ear.
• Review the symptoms and signs of the BPPV.
• Demonstrate the clinical application of a modified Epley maneuver
Hour #4: The distraction technique for Temporomandibular Dysfunction
• Review the anatomy of the trigeminal cervical nucleus and its influence on the temporomandibular joint
• Demonstrate soft tissue techniques of myofascial problems of the masseter, temporalis, and pterygoid muscles
• Demonstrate a distractive clinical adjustment for the hypomobile TMJ articulation.

Park by Student Entrance on Clawiter Road side of building, then look for signage directing you to the check-in area.
See Campus Map for details.
DAN MURPHY, DC Dr. Dan Murphy graduated magna cum laude from Western States Chiropractic College in 1978, and has more than 36 years of practice experience. He received his Diplomate in Chiropractic Orthopedics in 1986. Since 1982, Dr. Murphy has served as part-time undergraduate faculty at Life Chiropractic College West, where he is currently teaching classes to seniors in the Management of Spinal Disorders. |
See below for a list of credits available for this seminar.
Life Chiropractic College West is accredited by the CCE and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
*The following State and Province boards do not require an application when a program is sponsored by a college accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE): CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MI, MT, NE, NH, NJ, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, BC, NB, ON, QC. Life Chiropractic College West cannot guarantee that any session of this offering will be accepted by these licensing board(s). Life West urges licensees to familiarize themselves with the laws governing continuing education in the jurisdictions where they hold licensure.
Available Credit Hours
- 12.00 AK Chiropractic BoardAlaska Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 AZ Chiropractic BoardArizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 CO Chiropractic BoardColorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 CT Chiropractic BoardConnecticut Board of Chiropractic Examiner
- 12.00 DC Chiropractic BoardDistrict of Columbia Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 DE Chiropractic BoardDelaware Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 HI Chiropractic BoardHawaii Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 IA Chiropractic BoardIowa Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 ID Chiropractic BoardIdaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians
- 12.00 IL Chiropractic BoardIllinois Medical Licensing Board
- 12.00 IN Chiropractic BoardIndiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 KS Chiropractic AssocKansas Chiropractic Association
- 12.00 MA Chiropractic BoardMassachusetts Board of Registration of Chiropractors
- 12.00 MB Chiropractic AssocManitoba Chiropractors' Association
- 12.00 MD Chiropractic BoardMaryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 ME Chiropractic BoardMaine Board of Chiropractic Licensure
- 12.00 MI Chiropractic BoardMichigan Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 MN Chiropractic BoardMinnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MO Chiropractic BoardMissouri Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MS Chiropractic BoardMississippi Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MT Chiropractic BoardMontana Board of Chiropractors
- 12.00 NB Chiropractic AssocNew Brunswick Chiropractors' Association
- 12.00 NC Chiropractic BoardNorth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 ND Chiropractic BoardNorth Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NE Chiropractic BoardNebraska Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 NH Chiropractic BoardNew Hampshire Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NJ Chiropractic BoardNew Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NS Chiropractic CollegeNova Scotia College of Chiropractors
- 12.00 NV Chiropractic BoardNevada Chiropractic Physicians' Board
- 12.00 OH Chiropractic BoardOhio Chiropractic Board
- 12.00 ON Chiropractic CollegeOntario College of Chiropractors
- 12.00 OR Chiropractic BoardOregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 PACEFCLB Providers of Approved Continuing Education
- 12.00 PR Chiropractic BoardPuerto Rico Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 QC Chiropractic OrdreQuebec Ordre Des Chiropracticiens
- 12.00 RI Chiropractic BoardRhode Island Board of Examiners in Chiropractic
- 12.00 SC Chiropractic BoardSouth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 SD Chiropractic BoardSouth Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 TN Chiropractic BoardTennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 UT Chiropractic BoardUtah Chiropractic Physicians Licensing Board
- 12.00 VA Board of MedicineVirginia Board of Medicine
- 12.00 VI Chiropractic BoardU.S. Virgin Islands Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 VT Chiropractic BoardVermont Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 WA Chiropractic CommWashington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission
- 12.00 WY Chiropractic BoardWyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Changes and Refunds
Every attempt is made to offer Life West CE programs as announced. However, Life West reserves the right to adjust program faculty, locations, dates, times and tuition to accommodate unanticipated occurrences and to cancel programs owing to insufficient enrollment, illness, or other factors. Life West will notify advance registrants of any cancellation or significant program changes. Life West is not responsible for any expenses incurred by registrants due to adjustments or cancellations.
Refunds for program registration are granted if requested in writing no later than one business day before program begins. If registrants cancel within one week of program start date, a $50 processing fee will be deducted from refunds.
Less than one business day before the program begins, registration is nonrefundable but a credit voucher may be issued. Vouchers must be requested within sixty days of the program. The credit voucher may be applied towards another Life West Postgraduate & Continuing Education program and must be redeemed within one year of the original scheduled program date or it will be forfeited. A $25 processing fee will be deducted from vouchers.