The California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE) requires 24 hours of Continuing Education each year, completed by the last day of your birthday month.
In-Person & Online Hours
At least 12 of the 24 hours must be taken in person.
As of this writing (7/21/22) the CA Board of Chiropractic Examiners NO LONGER accepts live-streamed/webinars as in-person hours. Check the Board's website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
No more than 12 of the 24 hours may be taken in any online format.
Any topic, including mandatory topics, may be taken online. Please check the California Board's website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Click here for online on-demand seminars
Mandatory Hours/Topics
6 of the 24 hours must be Category A mandatory hours, as follows:
A minimum of 2 hours must be on the topic of:
A minimum of 4 hours must be on any one or a combination of the following topics:
History Taking and Physical Examination Procedures
Chiropractic Adjustive or Manipulation Techniques
Proper and Ethical Billing and Coding
The CBCE approves each hour of every course by topic. One course may contain multiple topics/categories. A course that is approved by a Board in another state is not necessarily approved in California. Check published course information closely to see which topics were approved for a course. If you will only be attending part of a course, make sure you will meet your requirements with those particular hours.
Other Hours
The remaining 18 hours may be taken in the mandatory categories or in general subject categories (Categories B or C), as listed in CCR Section 361.
You have the option to acquire non-mandatory hours through courses approved by any California healthcare board, not only the Board of Chiropractic.
Exceptions & Exceptional Hours
You may earn up to 4 hours per year for attending a full board meeting of the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
An instructor who has taught for one (1) year and currently teaches core curriculum courses for more than eight (8) credit hours per week at any Council on Chiropractic Education accredited college for at least six (6) months during any license renewal period year shall be exempt from continuing education.
A licensee who teaches a board approved continuing education course may earn one (1) hour of continuing education credit for each hour of live lecture up to 24 hours per year. Online on-demand courses do not count toward these hours.
Contact the Life West CE office or the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners (CBCE) for help understanding the California Board requirements.