Late Registration, Cancellation, & Grievance Resolution

Late Registration

Within one business day of the start of a seminar, a late registration fee of $25 will be added to all registrations.

Cancellation by Registrant

Please contact the Postgraduate & Continuing Education department at [email protected] or 510.780.4508 to cancel your registration.

Refunds for program registration are granted if requested in writing no later than one business day before program begins. If registrants cancel within one week of program start date, a $50 processing fee will be deducted from refunds.

Less than one business day before the program begins, registration is nonrefundable.

Cancellation by Life West

Every attempt is made to offer Life West CE programs as announced. However, Life West reserves the right to adjust program faculty, locations, dates, times and tuition to accommodate unanticipated occurrences and to cancel programs owing to insufficient enrollment, illness, or other factors.  Life West will notify advance registrants of any cancellation or significant program changes. Life West is not responsible for any expenses incurred by registrants due to adjustments or cancellations.

Grievance Resolution

If you have a serious concern of a financial nature, submit a full description of the grievance in writing to the Director of Postgraduate and Continuing Education via [email protected].  Upon assessment of the circumstances surrounding the grievance, the Director will make a determination as to the validity of the complaint and the degree of the College’s culpability.  Resolution may include a refund (full or partial), a course credit (full or partial) or no action.


Adjusting Policy & Using New Procedures

Adjusting and Being Adjusted during Seminars

Inclusive Patient Exam and Adjusting Policy

Chiropractors may only adjust in states where they hold current DC licenses. This includes attendees and postgraduate faculty.

Any licensed attendee adjusting during a seminar assumes legal liability for her/his actions. Life West is liable for the actions of contracted postgraduate faculty only.

Life West students may not adjust anyone other than Life West students.  Life West Doctor of Chiropractic Program (DCP) students may adjust other Life West DCP students during a seminar only under the supervision of a a Life West DCP faculty member holding a current DC license from the state where the seminar is located.

Students from other chiropractic colleges may not adjust anyone other than students from their college. Students from other chiropractic colleges may adjust other students from their college during a seminar only under the supervision of a Doctor of Chiropractic Program faculty member from their college holding a current DC license from the state where the seminar is located.

Any advice or diagnostic/therapeutic procedures that are demonstrated or performed in Life West seminars do not constitute a doctor-patient relationship and do not substitute for necessary care.  Participants have the option not to be adjusted during Life West CE seminars.  If you choose to be adjusted, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to inform the person adjusting you of any physical limitations or health concerns. Life Chiropractic College West assumes no liability for adjustments delivered by those other than contracted Life West faculty.

Using New Procedures

Please be cautious about integrating new techniques or procedures into your practice after receiving only limited instruction. Extensive study and practice is recommended before using new techniques or procedures.


Student Friday Seminar Makeup

Students who have insufficient Friday seminar attendance during a given quarter may, at the discretion of the Provost, take 7+ Life West CE hours to fulfill that requirement.  Students must receive approval from the Provost and bear the cost of the seminars.  Students are responsible for submitting their certificate(s) of completion to the Registrar's Office. 


7 hours or less = $70

8 - 14 hours = $140

Students enrolled in a preceptorship out of state during their final quarter at Life West may take 7+ Life West CE hours to fulfill that requirement, at no cost. Contact the Office of Postgraduate & Continuing Education at [email protected] or 510.780.4508 to get enrolled.


More Life West Policies & Disclosures

See Policies & Disclosures for a list of other significant campus policies.