Recent Advancements in the Science of Chiropractic and Associated Nutrition (Murphy, Oct 29 & 30, 2022 On-Campus)
This course is designed to educate Chiropractors on the Recent Advancements in the science of chiropractic and Associated Nutrition. Dr. Dan Murphy does extensive research to have current information on several topics.
12 CE hours: 2 Ethics, 10 hours General
Saturday 12:00 - 8:00pm
Sunday, 8:00am - 12:00pm
(both sessions required)
bring your own lunch
Register at Recent Advancements in the Science of Chiropractic and Associated Nutrition
Learning Objectives
Understand the nutritional and biochemical basis of pain, quantify the opioid crisis and the effectiveness of chiropractic as an alternative, learn the key nutritional and other factors in preventing glycosylation and understand the gate theory of pain and its chiropractic application, with an emphasis on nutritional impacts and sources. Also gain new familiarity with chiropractic ethics and law.
Recent Advances in the Science of Chiropractic and Associated Nutrition
Twelve Hour Outline
Dan Murphy, DC
This course is designed to educate Chiropractors on the Recent Advancements in the science of chiropractic and Associated Nutrition. Dr. Dan Murphy does extensive research to have current information on several topics.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand the nutritional and biochemical basis of pain, quantify the opioid crisis and the effectiveness of chiropractic as an alternative, learn the key nutritional and other factors in preventing glycosylation and understand the gate theory of pain and its chiropractic application, with an emphasis on nutritional impacts and sources.
Gain additional familiarity with ethics and law.
Teaching Methods:
Live interactive online webinar. Lecture, slides, case studies, Q&A, video
Hour 1:
Discuss inflammation from the perspective of nutrition and evolutionary biology
Investigate prominent causes of systemic inflammation
Integrate inflammation and the pathoanatomy of the chiropractic subluxation
Hour 2:
Inflammation: Understand the “Theory of Everything” related to innate health, what it is, what are its causes how to measure it, and how to manage it:
• Understand the biochemical basis of pain as influenced by nutrition
• Understand innate adjuncts to pain management
• Understand the Gate Theory of pain and its chiropractic application
• Understand the new suprasegmental pain inhibitory controls, its relationship to opiate drugs, and the science of chiropractic spinal adjusting as an effective, non-addicting alternative to the opiate crisis
Hour 3:
Glycosylation: learn what it is and what it does to the aging process, including disc degeneration.
Learn the key nutritional factors in preventing glycosylation.
Hour 4:
Integrate the neurochemistry of pleasure v. happiness and their influence on
Catecholamines and their nutritional sources.
Introduce the concept of the catecholamine profile with the chiropractic adjustment.
Hour 5:
Learn about essential fatty acids.
Integrate both diet and supplements in fatty acid balancing.
Hour 6:
Learn about excitotoxins and neurodegenerative diseases.
Learn about the physiology and nutritional sources of magnesium as protective against neurodegenerative diseases.
Hour 7:
Quantify the opioid crisis and the effectiveness of chiropractic as an alternative.
Consider nutrition and its impact on overall health, with particular emphasis on pain
Hour 8:
Learn about the physiology of vitamin D and vitamin K and their relationship to immunity
Learn about the mitochondria and the nutrients that promote mitochondrial
Hour 9:
Learn about lectins, leaky gut and systemic inflammation.
Review the connection between the microbiome, the chiropractic adjustment
Hour 10:
Integrate chiropractic adjustment, nutrition, blood flow, cellular fermentation, cellular respiration, melatonin, and the cytokine storm.
Introduce the concept of survival v. longevity as related to micronutrient competition.
Hour 11:
Ethics & Law: Discuss the concepts of scope of practice, standard of care, and causation as related to chiropractic clinical practice.
Hour 12:
Ethics & Law: Review the State of California publications pertaining to:
• Medical Negligence/Malpractice
• Standard of Care for Health Care Professionals
• Success Not Required
• Duty to Refer to a Specialist
• Abandonment of Patient
• Informed Consent

Park by Student Entrance on Clawiter Road side of building, then look for signage directing you to the check-in area.
See Campus Map for details.
Dan Murphy graduated magna cum laude from Western States Chiropractic College in 1978, and has more than 34 years of practice experience. He has a Diplomat in Chiropractic Orthopedics. For 30+ years he has served as part-time faculty at Life Chiropractic College West, where his academic rank is that of Professor. He has taught more than 1,500 post-graduate continuing education seminars. Dr. Murphy is a contributing author to the books Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries and Pediatric Chiropractic. From 2003-2009 Dr. Murphy was the Vice President of the International Chiropractic Association, and was honored to be chosen as “Chiropractor of the Year” 2009 -2010.
See below for a list of credits available for this seminar.
Life Chiropractic College West is accredited by the CCE and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
NOTE to DCs licensed in: CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IN, IA, MD, MA, MI, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, BC, NB, ON, QC. These states generally accept programs sponsored by a college that is accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). These states and provincial boards do not require an application from CCE colleges. While it is highly likely that credits will be accepted, Life Chiropractic College West cannot guarantee that any session of this offering will be accepted by these licensing board(s). Life West urges licensees to familiarize themselves with the laws governing continuing education in the jurisdictions where they hold licensure
Available Credit Hours
- 12.00 AK Chiropractic BoardAlaska Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 AZ Chiropractic BoardArizona Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 10.00 CA Chiro Board, Category BCA Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Cat B
- 2.00 CA Chiropractic Board, Category A EthicsCalifornia Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Category A Ethics
- 12.00 CO Chiropractic BoardColorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 CT Chiropractic BoardConnecticut Board of Chiropractic Examiner
- 12.00 DC Chiropractic BoardDistrict of Columbia Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 DE Chiropractic BoardDelaware Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 HI Chiropractic BoardHawaii Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 IA Chiropractic BoardIowa Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 ID Chiropractic BoardIdaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians
- 12.00 IL Chiropractic BoardIllinois Medical Licensing Board
- 12.00 IN Chiropractic BoardIndiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 KS Chiropractic AssocKansas Chiropractic Association
- 12.00 MA Chiropractic BoardMassachusetts Board of Registration of Chiropractors
- 12.00 MD Chiropractic BoardMaryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MI Chiropractic BoardMichigan Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 MN Chiropractic BoardMinnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MS Chiropractic BoardMississippi Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 MT Chiropractic BoardMontana Board of Chiropractors
- 12.00 NC Chiropractic BoardNorth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 ND Chiropractic BoardNorth Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NE Chiropractic BoardNebraska Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 NH Chiropractic BoardNew Hampshire Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NJ Chiropractic BoardNew Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 NV Chiropractic BoardNevada Chiropractic Physicians' Board
- 12.00 OH Chiropractic BoardOhio Chiropractic Board
- 12.00 OR Chiropractic BoardOregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 PACEFCLB Providers of Approved Continuing Education
- 12.00 RI Chiropractic BoardRhode Island Board of Examiners in Chiropractic
- 12.00 SC Chiropractic BoardSouth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 SD Chiropractic BoardSouth Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 12.00 TN Chiropractic AssocTennessee Chiropractic Association
- 12.00 UT Chiropractic BoardUtah Chiropractic Physicians Licensing Board
- 12.00 VA Board of MedicineVirginia Board of Medicine
- 12.00 VT Chiropractic BoardVermont Board of Chiropractic
- 12.00 WA Chiropractic CommWashington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission
- 12.00 WY Chiropractic BoardWyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Changes and Refunds
Every attempt is made to offer Life West CE programs as announced. However, Life West reserves the right to adjust program faculty, locations, dates, times and tuition to accommodate unanticipated occurrences and to cancel programs owing to insufficient enrollment, illness, or other factors. Life West will notify advance registrants of any cancellation or significant program changes. Life West is not responsible for any expenses incurred by registrants due to adjustments or cancellations.
Refunds for program registration are granted if requested in writing no later than one business day before program begins. If registrants cancel within one week of program start date, a $50 processing fee will be deducted from refunds.
Less than one business day before the program begins, registration is nonrefundable but a credit voucher may be issued. Vouchers must be requested within sixty days of the program. The credit voucher may be applied towards another Life West Postgraduate & Continuing Education program and must be redeemed within one year of the original scheduled program date or it will be forfeited. A $25 processing fee will be deducted from vouchers.