Personal Injury for the 21st Century (December 28-29, 2019)
Life Chiropractic College West is the Continuing Education (CE) sponsor for Chiro21.
To earn CE hours, register here, free of charge. You must also register for the course at chiro21.com.
Click on the REGISTER/TAKE COURSE tab to begin.
If you are not logged in, you will see a link asking you to do so, or to set up an account with Life West CE ("register").
See below for a list of credits available for this seminar. If you would like to add your state, contact the Life West CE office.
Life Chiropractic College West is accredited by the CCE and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
NOTE to DCs licensed in: CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MI, MT, NE, OH, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, BC, NB, ON, QC. These states generally accept programs sponsored by a college that is accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). These states and provincial boards do not require an application from CCE colleges. While it is higly likely that credits will be accepted, Life Chiropractic College West cannot guarantee that any session of this offering will be accepted by these licensing board(s). Life West urges licensees to familiarize themselves with the laws governing continuing education in the jurisdictions where they hold licensure.
Available Credit Hours
- 16.00 AK Chiropractic BoardAlaska Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 CO Chiropractic BoardColorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 CT Chiropractic BoardConnecticut Board of Chiropractic Examiner
- 16.00 DC Chiropractic BoardDistrict of Columbia Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 DE Chiropractic BoardDelaware Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 HI Chiropractic BoardHawaii Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 IA Chiropractic BoardIowa Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 ID Chiropractic BoardIdaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians
- 16.00 IL Chiropractic BoardIllinois Medical Licensing Board
- 16.00 MA Chiropractic BoardMassachusetts Board of Registration of Chiropractors
- 15.00 MD Chiropractic BoardMaryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 MI Chiropractic BoardMichigan Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 MO Chiropractic BoardMissouri Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 MT Chiropractic BoardMontana Board of Chiropractors
- 16.00 NB Chiropractic AssocNew Brunswick Chiropractors' Association
- 16.00 NC Chiropractic BoardNorth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 ND Chiropractic BoardNorth Dakota Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 NE Chiropractic BoardNebraska Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 NY Chiropractic BoardNew York State Board for Chiropractic
- 16.00 OH Chiropractic BoardOhio Chiropractic Board
- 16.00 ON Chiropractic CollegeOntario College of Chiropractors
- 16.00 OR Chiropractic BoardOregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 QC Chiropractic OrdreQuebec Ordre Des Chiropracticiens
- 16.00 RI Chiropractic BoardRhode Island Board of Examiners in Chiropractic
- 16.00 SC Chiropractic BoardSouth Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 TX Chiropractic BoardTexas Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- 16.00 UT Chiropractic BoardUtah Chiropractic Physicians Licensing Board
- 16.00 VA Board of MedicineVirginia Board of Medicine
- 16.00 VT Chiropractic BoardVermont Board of Chiropractic
- 16.00 WA Chiropractic CommWashington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission
- 16.00 WY Chiropractic BoardWyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners