Diagnosis and Management of Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia aka Chiari (Sardonicus, May 10-11, 2025 Hayward Campus)

Hayward, CA US
May 10, 2025 to May 11, 2025


Baffled by patients who don't resolve as you'd expect? Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia is seen in 1 in 4 with neck pain following whiplash. Learn subtle and powerful tools to alleviate the underlying cause of devastating symptoms. Be a beacon of hope for patients seeking answers!
Patients frequently present with neck pain and a history of whiplash. while management of these individuals is usually fairly simple, there is an increasingly recognized - but frequently missed - condition that may occur following whiplash injury. 
Symptoms can range from intractable headache to a wide variety of neurological symptoms, including muscle weakness, dizziness, paresthesias, hypersensitivities, visual disturbance, memory loss, cardiac irregularities, and tinnitus. differential diagnoses include fibromyalgia, migraine headache, Lyme disease, and multiple sclerosis.
As chiropractors, we are uniquely qualified to address adverse mechanical forces directly impacting CNS function. This workshop seminar will provide you the ability to specifically direct adaptive spinal adjustments as well as simple yet profound cranial & meningeal adjustments to dramatically improve your patients' quality of life. 


May 10, 2025, 9:30 am - 5:20 pm

May 11, 2025, 9:30 am - 2:20 pm

12 CE hours - 6 History Taking/Physical Examination, 6 general CE hours

Learning Objectives

By the end of the seminar, participants will be better able to: 

● Identify the signs and symptoms of likely CTE as it would present in a chiropractic clinic.
● Understand necessary steps for accurate diagnosis of CTE, including history, examination, and imaging.
● Perform pre- and post- outcomes measures to assess Dysautonomia and Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) in the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain
● Able to correct Dysautonomia with simple exercises, fascial manual therapy, and specific chiropractic adjustments influencing the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain to facilitate faster, easier, and longer-lasting response to all other chiropractic technique application
● Able to modify existing techniques for safety and increased efficacy when caring for patients with CTE.


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 12.00 AK Chiropractic Board
    Alaska Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 6.00 CA Chiro Board, Category B
    CA Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Cat B
  • 6.00 CA Chiropractic Board, Category A Exam/Adjust/Billing
    California Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Category A Exam/Adjust/Billing
  • 12.00 CO Chiropractic Board
    Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 CT Chiropractic Board
    Connecticut Board of Chiropractic Examiner
  • 12.00 DC Chiropractic Board
    District of Columbia Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 DE Chiropractic Board
    Delaware Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 IA Chiropractic Board
    Iowa Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 ID Chiropractic Board
    Idaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians
  • 12.00 IL Chiropractic Board
    Illinois Medical Licensing Board
  • 12.00 IN Chiropractic Board
    Indiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MA Chiropractic Board
    Massachusetts Board of Registration of Chiropractors
  • 12.00 MD Chiropractic Board
    Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MS Chiropractic Board
    Mississippi Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MT Chiropractic Board
    Montana Board of Chiropractors
  • 12.00 NE Chiropractic Board
    Nebraska Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 OR Chiropractic Board
    Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 UT Chiropractic Board
    Utah Chiropractic Physicians Licensing Board
  • 12.00 VT Chiropractic Board
    Vermont Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 WA Chiropractic Comm
    Washington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission
  • 12.00 WY Chiropractic Board
    Wyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
05/10/2025 - 9:30am PDT
Event ends: 
05/11/2025 - 2:20pm PDT
Hour 1 (9:30-10:20 am) Introduction to Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia (Differential Diagnosis)
● Definition
● Anatomy
● Statistical incidence and association with head and neck trauma
● Associated and Confounding Factors
● Be able to recognize in clinical practice the common signs and symptoms of CTE
● Understand appropriate examination and diagnostic imaging for patients with this condition
Hour 2 (10:30-11:20am) Updated Biomechanics: The Biotensegrity Model (Basic Science)
● Describe the tensegrity model as it relates to biomechanics from a cellular to organism level.
● Define fascia, including anatomical lines and physical properties.
● Describe the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain and its relationship to Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) on the spine and central nervous system.
● Describe the clinical relevance of biotensegrity, and how to apply these updated architectural and biomechanical principles to the delivery of chiropractic adjustments.
● Understand the different types of Adverse Mechanical Tension affecting patients with CTE.
● Understand the relationship between fascia and CNS function, including both direct mechanical tension and embedded proprioceptive/nociceptive feedback mechanisms influencing autonomic neurological function.
Hour 3 (11:30-12:20pm) CNS distortion: Chronic Stress (Basic Science)
● Understand the impact of chronic stress on CNS processing.
● Common types of dysautonomia (sympathetic dominance and dorsal vagal freeze)
● Recognize common signs and symptoms of dysautonomia during initial patient presentation.
● Outline the diagnostic process for dysautonomia, including both testing and interpretation.
● Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with sympatheticotonia.
Hour 4 (1:30-2:20pm) CSF Hydrodynamics + Cranial Distortion (Basic Science)
● Understand CSF hydrodynamics and cranial anatomy, and related symptomatology.
● Recognize and describe the common signs and symptoms of abnormal CSF hydrodynamics and Adverse Mechanical Tension (AMT) affecting cranial and dural dynamics.
● Outline and demonstrate testing procedures for CSF and cranial dynamics.
● Perform physical assessment of cranial and CSF dynamics, and interpret findings as related to technique selection.
● Perform modified cranial and fascial release techniques to improve CSF flow and reduce cranial AMT, specifically in relation to the craniocervical junction.
Hour 5 (2:30-3:20pm) Diagnosis: History (History Taking)
● Describe the relevance of clinical history as it relates to chronic stress and trauma.
● List specific questions to assess for sympatheticotonia.
● List specific questions to assess for indications of possible CTE.
● Determine appropriate individualized examination procedures based on history answers.
Hour 6 (3:30-4:20pm) Assessment: Examination + Imaging (Physical Examination)
● Outline the diagnostic process for CTE, including both testing and interpretation.
● Describe layered components of restrictions including updated osseous, muscular, and fascial relational anatomy.
● Describe how to palpate muscle tension versus fascial adhesion versus fascial tension lines.
● Differentiate between osseous restriction, muscular tension, and fascial restriction as they relate to spinal motion restriction.
● Use palpatory findings to select technique application for adjustments that last longer by addressing mechanical root cause and encourage parasympathetic dominance at rest.
Hour 7 (4:30-5:20pm) Assessment: Palpatory Training (Physical Examination)
● Describe the difference between static misalignments and dynamic spinal restrictions (joints incapable of full range of motion).
● Differentiate with palpation both static and dynamic spinal restrictions.
● Describe neurological information gathered from palpation, including dysesthesia, hyperesthesia, reactive erythema, temperature differentials, and other signs.
● Able to palpate the patient with chronic pain, trauma history, and/or sympatheticotonia without triggering sympathetic bracing.
Hour 8 (9:30-10:20 am) Assessment: Manual Muscle Testing (Physical Examination)
● Describe the Oxford Grading Scale for manual muscle testing.
● Describe interpretation of manual muscle testing findings, including differentials for clinical significance of findings other than normal.
● Demonstrate manual muscle testing of major postural muscles.
●Apply manual muscle testing as pre- and post-clinical intervention measures during adjustment visits and to track change during review examination.
Hour 9 (10:30-11:20am) Assessment: Neurological Exam Procedures (Physical Examination)
● List the relevant indications to assess for imbalance in cross-crawl patterning.
● Describe testing procedures to determine specific cross-crawl pattern imbalances.
● Describe testing procedures to assess CNS for signs of dysautonomia.
● Describe testing procedures to assess for cranial and spinal nerve involvement.
Hour 10 (11:30-12:20pm) Assessment: Orthopedic Exam Procedures (Physical Examination)
● Able to complete seated functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
● Able to complete standing functional range of motion testing with segmental and curve analysis.
● Describe fascial and dural considerations to modify common orthopedic tests (including straight leg raise, supine apparent arm length inequality, bilateral prone knee flexion, and soto hall).
● List the orthopedic exam procedures specifically relevant to Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain tension.
Hour 11 (12:30-1:20pm) Clinical Synthesis (Differential Diagnosis)
● Summarize clinical considerations for the patient with CTE.
● Describe clinical considerations in terms of safety of providing care (knowing when to adjust and when NOT to adjust).
● Define what is “primary” (including considerations of “cause” as well as “least stressful point of access” to determine what to adjust or otherwise apply therapeutic input).
● Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for CTE.
● Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for dysautonomia.
● Recognize patterns of and describe gestalt clinical interpretation for adverse mechanical tension in the Dural Fascial Kinetic Chain (including dural tension and fascial imbalance).
● Describe patterns of peripheral nerve interference found through synthesis of clinical history and exam procedures.
Hour 12 (1:30-2:20pm) Patient Management (Special Population)
● Summarize the concept of an initial Therapeutic Trial of care, including reasoning behind it and how to complete this extension of initial assessment in order to customize patient care.
● Describe considerations for technique selection (including where to start, how intensely to adjust, and how to adjust).
● Explain reasoning behind initial frequency of care, and how/when/why to modify this frequency.
● Describe the considerations for projecting response to care and prognosis.
● Summarize guidelines for patient home care recommendations, including considerations for movement and rest, ergonomics, nutrition, and referrals when appropriate.
Life Chiropractic College West
25001 Industrial Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94545
United States
+1 (510) 780-4508

Park by Student Entrance on Clawiter Road side of building, then look for signage directing you to the check-in area. 

See Campus Map for details. 


Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP is a strategic healing consultant, international speaker, and found of Inside the Chrysalis, a community platform for health enthusiasts learning to facilitate a self-healing state in the brain and body. 

Dr. Satya brings a unique perspective of the healing process; her deeply personal experience with trauma, chronic illness, and sensory processing distortion inspired her to innovate NeuroFascial Flow Method, a groundbreaking body-based approach to resolve trauma and tension patterns and become more resilient to physical, mental and emotional stressors. 

Life Chiropractic College West has received programmatic accreditation through the Council on Chiropractic Education and institutional/regional accreditation through WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

See below for a list of credits that may be available for this seminar. 

*The following State and Province boards do not require an application when a program is sponsored by a college accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE): CO, CT, DE, DC, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MI, MT, NE, NH, NJ, OR, RI, SC, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, BC, NB, ON, QC. Life Chiropractic College West cannot guarantee that these licensing board(s) will accept any session of this offering. Life West urges licensees to familiarize themselves with the laws governing continuing education in the jurisdictions where they hold licensure.

Available Credit Hours

  • 12.00 AK Chiropractic Board
    Alaska Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 6.00 CA Chiro Board, Category B
    CA Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Cat B
  • 6.00 CA Chiropractic Board, Category A Exam/Adjust/Billing
    California Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Category A Exam/Adjust/Billing
  • 12.00 CO Chiropractic Board
    Colorado Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 CT Chiropractic Board
    Connecticut Board of Chiropractic Examiner
  • 12.00 DC Chiropractic Board
    District of Columbia Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 DE Chiropractic Board
    Delaware Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 IA Chiropractic Board
    Iowa Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 ID Chiropractic Board
    Idaho Board of Chiropractic Physicians
  • 12.00 IL Chiropractic Board
    Illinois Medical Licensing Board
  • 12.00 IN Chiropractic Board
    Indiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MA Chiropractic Board
    Massachusetts Board of Registration of Chiropractors
  • 12.00 MD Chiropractic Board
    Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MS Chiropractic Board
    Mississippi Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 MT Chiropractic Board
    Montana Board of Chiropractors
  • 12.00 NE Chiropractic Board
    Nebraska Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 OR Chiropractic Board
    Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
  • 12.00 UT Chiropractic Board
    Utah Chiropractic Physicians Licensing Board
  • 12.00 VT Chiropractic Board
    Vermont Board of Chiropractic
  • 12.00 WA Chiropractic Comm
    Washington Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission
  • 12.00 WY Chiropractic Board
    Wyoming Board of Chiropractic Examiners


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Every attempt is made to offer Life West CE programs as announced. However, Life West reserves the right to adjust program faculty, locations, dates, times, and tuition to accommodate unanticipated occurrences and to cancel programs owing to insufficient enrollment, illness, or other factors. Life West will notify advance registrants of any cancellations or significant program changes. Life West is not responsible for any expenses registrants incur due to adjustments or cancellations. Refer to the link below for more information.
